Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wesley Arrived!

We are proud to announce the birth of our newest bundle of joy. . . Wesley Daniel Burbank! He was born at 11:54 AM on December 21, 2009 weighing 7 lbs 4 oz.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa Pictures

American Airlines did a little picture with Santa day for the kids. Laura and I loaded up the van with all three little kids and took them to get their pictures with Old Saint Nick. Ben was able to come too, and it was well worth the ten minute wait in line and five dollars for the gorgeous 8X10 pictures we got. Little Emily wasn't too fond of Santa, but looked cute anyway in her little pink pig-tails. Layne really bonded with Santa, even stroking his gloved hand in one of his characteristic gestures of acceptance.